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Wild Ivory King Salmon are the fishermen’s choice. Ask a salmon fishermen what their favorite salmon is and our line-caught ivory king salmon are it. Our ivory king salmon have a silky and buttery texture with a milder flavor than our classic red king salmon. Succulent with a melt-in-your-mouth flavor, these ivory king salmon are a treat. They’re also known as white king salmon.


Ivory king salmon, also known as white king salmon, are the “fisherman’s choice.” Talk to any of our fishermen-owners and they’ll all say ivory king salmon are the finest salmon in the sea. Of all Pacific salmon, king salmon vary the most in meat color. The color of their meat depends on both their diet and genetics. Our Alaska Gold Ivory King Salmon portions are white color and have a silky, buttery texture. Like our marbled king salmon, they will be a bit milder and more buttery than our "regular" king salmon.Our Alaska Gold Wild King Salmon are prized for their richness, big flake, very high omega-3 content, and delicious buttery taste.These wild ivory king salmon portions range between 7 and 9 ounces. Each portion is individually vacuum-sealed with the pin bones removed.

Yes! They are absolutely sushi-grade, frozen at -40 degrees Celsius, and we deliver them to your doorstep using dry ice (-68 degrees Celsius).

Wild Ivory King Salmon portions from Alaska

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